Red songbird, with your cardinal screams / and carnal knowledge / with me, of me / on this first day of spring. You scream for your life above my head - the closer I listen, I hear a song you once wrote about wishing to be loved. You perch silhouetted on telephone lines against a cloudless blue sky, red body like a wound. [something bright, then holes?]* Fly to a new branch, move closer, sit right above my head. If I say your name on Earth out loud, will you hear it for what it is? Were you always on the inside / screaming / singing / for release? You are so bright, red songbird, but I look down for just a moment and I lose you between shadows of branches. I lose you over again, each time - maybe in each life. I become lost in my mind and in a moment, you are gone again as quickly as the seasons change / as quickly as a frightened bird flies.