stories without names // the super moon
Today is the anniversary of my dad's death. In preparation for this day, I have spent a lot of time googling what the best term is to actually refer to an anniversary of this type. "Death Anniversary" is my default but it still feels a bit oxymoronic to me. "Death Day" feels too casual, but does sound very metal and would probably make my dad chuckle. It also evokes some Harry Potter vibes, which could be an homage to my sister. "Remembrance Day" is widely praised as most appropriate on the internet. It makes me think of acknowledging fallen veterans or national tragedies at a picnic on a too-hot day. I suppose as we are all debatably a nation of self, this could work. Those of the Christian faith also use "Heavenly Birthday", but even the strong faith my dad held is not enough to make me use that one. Though I don't know what to call this day, it is here. It showed up like it does every year and will every year for the rest of my life...